7 ways to fight against nCoV 💪🏻

During times like this, we especially need each other.   At HKM we continue our supports to fellow mothers and entrepreneurs to overcome the challenges and prepare ourselves to be resilient and ready for the upticks when things start picking up.   

We understand you are now adopting to the new normal to perhaps be working from home while the kids are out of school.  So, here are just some of the few ways we are here to help online. 

We will soon be bringing to you our annual event in May.  Until then, take care and we will see you online!



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In our previous HKM Coffee Meet Up, we brought to the table “Our Biggest Challenge in 2020”.   To prepare ourselves for those challenges, in our next HKM Coffee Meet Up on February 19, we will get ready for “Learning Something New in 2020”.  

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HK Momtrepreneurs is proud to support BPW Hong Kong for its effort to

Call for Govt Extension of Family Friendly Work Arrangements

Schools are closed until March 2 (subject to further assessment), so are all aided child care centres, among others until further notice. While these measures help minimise health risks, they also present an additional set of challenges for working parents, guardians and caregivers.     

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