2023 Thought Leadership- Alia Eyres’ Path to lead Mothers’ Choice

Alia Eyres, the inheritor of 「Mother’s Choice」, is a mother of seven children.

Inspired by her family’s generosity and kindness culture, Alia picked up her parents founded non-profit organization, which continues to serve children without families and unexpected pregnant teenagers. She makes this choice, in her words, giving her the endless courage to redefine success and confirm a life-long journey in the future.

In addition, being in two full-time positions, she is also a mother of seven children while running NGOs. Such an irregular rhythm of life made Alia treasure her time, love and support by her family. Together, these criteria shaped her into a physically, mentally, and emotionally strong woman who embraced “imperfections”.

#2023thoughtleadership, #womenempowerment

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